Conference of the Parties


Bangladesh has been steadily growing its economy, even amidst the pandemic. Even with the pandemic, Bangladesh’s economy has been expanding significantly. The nation has intensified its initiatives to generate new sectors, job opportunities, and a local workforce. The impending threat of climate change, however, has the potential to completely destroy everything. Bangladesh unfortunately bears the impact of the climate change problem despite being one of the countries that emits the least carbon emissions. The nation must make investments in green energy and zero-carbon growth if it wants to expand its economy sustainably. An urgent need exists to put into action a workable “Climate Prosperity Plan” as opposed to making meaningless promises. Bangladesh wants to produce one-third of its energy from renewable sources by 2030, add 4.1 million new employment, and sustainably increase its GDP by 6.8%. All of these would involve directing the funding for climate change.  This will require leveraging the climate finance pledged by developed countries. Green technology is needed in every industry, from agriculture to ready-to-wear. Bangladesh currently spends US$2 billion annually on climate change adaptation, with 75% of the funding coming from domestic sources. This is not only unsustainable; it is also inadequate. Because adaptation measures alone to meet the 2050 climate goals will require countries almost three times as much to avert loss and damage.

The Glasgow Climate Agreement is the result of how Bangladesh will turn into a green economy in the future. Reducing coal dependence is proving to be a difficult task for developing countries, and it is imperative that developed countries stick to the end of the negotiations. However, ‘Green Economy’ isn’t always a rhetorical speech however a solution to climate-susceptible nations like Bangladesh to secure new possibilities for boom and productiveness even as status a threat in the disaster of the twenty-first century.

"Road to Glasgow: Youth Reflection on Climate Change & COP 26"

RECAP of 2021

The most controversial question that remains unresolved above all is how to adapt to the new restrictions. It is already proving difficult for developed countries to completely remove fossil fuels and carbon from their economies. It has been. This can be expected in developing countries that have less money to pay for new technology and infrastructure.

Given the severity of climate change, most developing countries face an imminent threat without the resources to deal with it. At COP15 in 2019, the developed world pledged to donate her $100 billion to climate-sensitive countries by 2020, but according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), it has been mobilized. she is only worth $78.9 billion. COP26 called for doubling funding not only for adaptation, but also for loss and damage management. Specific measures, such as flood and hurricane early warning systems and food security, can be accommodated through finance, but displacement and loss of land and livelihoods must be compensated for in separate allocations. Nonetheless, most developed countries rejected the idea, leading to debate and dissatisfaction among CVF countries.


UNFCCC COP27 will be an important event related to pollution and climate change. COP 27 will initially be used as a platform to move many of the agenda items from COP 26 to COP 27. This is an important step towards a well-prepared COP27 agenda and a good outcome for next year’s climate summit. Financing loss and damage is one of the most important solutions expected at COP27, so this issue will need to be unfolded and addressed over the next year.

Bangladeshi scientists will also be making a crucial contribution in this difficulty as we sell the idea of, in addition to practice, Locally Led Adaptation (LLA), which specializes in building the adaptive capability of prone groups from the lowest up, and in which Bangladesh is a stated global leader.

The Climate Vulnerability Forum (CVF), led by Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, made a very important contribution. The main expectation from COP26 is that countries will publish annual updates to their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) plans. It was an agreement. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions in place of the previously agreed five-year gap between updates. Although this remains a voluntary commitment, many countries are expected to adhere to the agreement and update their NDCs by COP27 next year.

 CVF played a key role at COP26 under the leadership of Bangladesh. Bangladesh hands over the presidency to Ghana before her COP27, but still remains one of his CVF leader troikas for his next two terms. Bangladesh will therefore continue to play a key role in the political leadership achieved by the CVF. One aspect of his leadership was the fact that 47 developing countries were on his CVF at the start of COP26. By the end of COP26, seven new members had been added to the forum. As such, the CVF has developed beyond the Climate Summit into an important political force on the issue of climate change.

Therefore, as a major leader, Bangladesh should effectively participate in all weekly international conferences around the world to prepare for the success of next year’s COP27 and to successfully tackle man-made problems. We have to move our agenda forward. Climate change that requires daily action. Both the Bangladesh government and civil society actors can play important roles in tackling climate change, but the work must begin now.

Pre COP 27

Field Visits

National Level Summit


Six oversight Visits

Cox's Bazar






Post Cop 27

Press Conference

COP 27 Outcome Dissemination Programme

COP 27 Follow-up and road to COP 28

During cop 27

COP 27 Delegation

Side Events at BD Stall

Stakeholder Engagement