The PEPS project worked on earthquake preparedness knowledge to the students and teachers of primary schools by conducting various kinds of drill under the technical cooperation of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). JICA helped the EARTH in implementing ‘Disaster Reduction Learning Center’s (DRLC) training program through deploying Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV). The PEPS formed a group (Team EARTH) comprising students under supervision of a teacher for giving sustainability of the endeavor. The Earth conducted drills and other activities on earthquakes regularly to educate other students on how to respond in an emergency like earthquake. It also encouraged all the students to share their knowledge with the guardians and practice drills in their respective residence after going back from school.
The purpose of this project is to create awareness on earthquakes within primary school going students and their parents and to provide them necessary tools and knowledge that can reduce the casualty and aftershock from such disasters.
- Project piloting in Armanitola school, old Dhaka, which is a highly vulnerable area for earthquakes.
- Evacuation plan execution in Armanitola with drilling practice.
- Awareness training among students and parents in 5 schools in Dhaka.
- An Earth Club has been formed in Armanitola school to mobilize training, regular evacuation drilling and awareness building on disaster management.