Global Volunteers Program

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The best way to find yourself to lose yourself in the service of others

The volunteer program is a project of The Earth that welcomes international volunteers around the world to gain unique experience in Bangladesh. It gives global citizens an opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and explore a whole new surrounding beyond the limit and obtain the most life-changing experience to make an impact. During their stay, the EARTH provides all the necessary support to the volunteers and ensures safe/secured living conditions, logistics support, and ideal working placements that make their learning experiences become worthwhile.

Our Volunteer Programs encourage those volunteers who like challenges, diversity, pushing their boundaries, and creating impact through cultural exchange. This program is open to volunteers of any kind of occupations or background. The Earth places the volunteers in their interest field of work.




Engaging the global citizens in collaborative and collective learning and action that serves  both the local communities and global volunteers as they exchange knowledge, culture and skills to address local and global problems in contributing to a greater cause and also gain new experiences in the process.

Our Current international Partner

Since 2014, the EARTH in collaboration with the global contact exchange program which is the leading volunteer program by MS ActionAid Denmark.

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The local organizations that we have placed global volunteers are

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If you want to make a difference in your society and the world

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One step awaits to become a global volunteers or Interns

To learn more about our global Volunteers

To learn about the impact and direct quote from our volunteers

Isabella Emma Oliver
Isabella Emma OliverRead Full Blog
I have now spent around two months in Bangladesh, and I can say that this experience has been unlike any other I've had as a traveler. It's a country of contrasts, where the traditions coexist with the modern, and where every day is a new adventure.One of the most striking aspects of Bangladesh is the incredible hospitality of the people. I've been overwhelmed by their kindness, from the moment I arrived. They are incredibly warm and welcoming, always ready to offer a helping hand or share a meal. Whether it's my colleagues inviting me to join in on their festivities or dinners, or the new friends I've made through local communities such as yoga classes, I feel incredibly lucky to have met such inclusive and friendly people.
Bastian Bülow Vadum & Viktor Johan Nørlyng
Bastian Bülow Vadum & Viktor Johan NørlyngRead Full Blog
in “To move, to breathe, to fly, to float, to gain all while you give, to roam the roads of remote lands, to travel is to live”. Thus wrote the author of The Little Mermaid, The Emperor’s new Clothes and many more stories and fairytales, Hans Christian Andersen in his autobiography in the middle of the 19th century. And even though Hans Christian Andersen, the most famous Danish author of all time, wrote these words more than 150 years ago, their importance and truth is as strong as the day they were written, which is a statement that I, after two months of living, traveling and experiencing Bangladesh, surely can approve of.
Christina Saaby Jørgensen
Christina Saaby JørgensenRead Full Blog
ASF’s homepage Acid violence is defined as: “... a particularly vicious and damaging form of violence in Bangladesh where acid is thrown in people’s faces. The overwhelming majority of the victims are women, and many of them are below18 years of age”

This definition has left me pondering, as I at the same time find it very saying and very deficient. This opinion I ground on the experiences I have had, and the knowledge I have gained, over the last two months, working as a psychology intern at Acid Survivors Foundation in Bangladesh. I agree that this kind of violence is particularly vicious and damaging, and that the victims are most often attacked in their faces.
Minna Flyvholm Tode
Minna Flyvholm TodeRead Full Blog
Yo! A huge "dhonnobad" to my bangladeshi friends, my bangla-family, my students, my colleagues, and to all mamas, uncles, bhais and aunties I've met, for making my stay in Bangladesh absolutely unforgettable! Now that I am leaving the country, it feels as if I've only been here for a few seconds... Yet, whenever I think about the countless memories and experiences I've gathered, it feels as if I've been here for decades... You are to thank for that!
Karen-MarieRead Full Blog
My name is Karen-Marie. I was born and raised in Denmark, but for two months I changed my place of living to Bangladesh. These two months I lived in the capital Dhaka where a family opened their home, and I became a part of their life.

Before I came to Bangladesh, I had already travelled the world for one and a half years, mainly as a volunteer for smaller and bigger projects. So, as an ‘experienced traveller’ I thought it would be straightforward to fit into the Bangladeshi culture. Soon, I had to admit that my level of cultural understanding was not as perfect as I thought.