Eager to Achieve the Real Thought - EARTH.
The EARTH expresses everything by its own name. We are working for utilizing all possible potentials of a community to ensure their better livelihood. And we have already started three projects to support and encourage few communities. These communities can be very prospective by using and developing their own capacity. Survival of Sundarbans is one of our projects that work for conservation of Sundarbans’ Biodiversity.
Also community engagement and training program for developing environmentally income alternatives for the community people and improving their living standard. Another project is Banglar Pandit. This is the first ever Bangla spelling contest and campaigning concept commencing in the history of Bangladesh. It will be a highly competitive annual spelling contest and campaigning in Bangladesh, with participation of thousands of High School students from seven divisions. Our recent project is Ekti Boi Ekti Bhubon. This is a project of making opportunities for reading books. Here, people can also provide their books (Old or New) to this project. This campaign is already started in several schools in Dhaka. Through this project we encourage reuse of printed books to reduce usage of paper. Encouraging and efficiently using printed books to share and increase knowledge of school going children is the utmost achievement.

Our vision is to encourage and impulse all stakeholders and resources of the environment to ensure a sustainable earth. Nevertheless, all social and environmental influencers are also parts of this earth.

Our mission is to provide knowledge, resources and care to support each community to reach its maximum potential and to achieve a greater quality of life.

The goal of The Earth is to enhance the pace of development of the country and also ensure sustainable growth.
Bangladesh is identified as a Next Eleven Economy. According to the United Nations in 2010, the country is making major strides in human development, including significant progress in the areas of gender equity, universal primary education, and the empowerment of women, reducing population growth, food production, health and renewable energy. The poverty rate has declined considerably since independence, and per-capita income has doubled from 1975 levels. However, the country continues to face a number of major issues like poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination, climate change etc. This is where The Earth comes into play. The goal of The Earth is to enhance the pace of development of the country and also ensure sustainable growth. In order to accomplish that The Earth have plans to engage in development work in the following sectors: